Walking out of Darkness (organised by CLASP)

Created by David 14th May 2016 This event has closed


Pong, Dave, & Pam (Mum, Dad & Sister) will be doing the above 10 mile walk in honour of our Jacq. We are so sorry for the very short notice! Thank you to everyone who has contributed and or helped spread the word, what a fantastic response at such short notice! xxxx If on a mobile device may be necessary to select the links: 'Fundraising for Jacqui' and then 'Read my Event Blog' for some post walk comments and further thank you's.


Home again

16th May 2016
Well, can't say we weren't flagging at the end, but were spurred on by Jacq, it is something she would have done for others and we could hear her saying, "Go Marge, Go Pops, Go Sis". It was so heartening to see sufferers at the heart of the event itself, struggling with their own problems but still trying to help others. The event is becoming bigger every year and gaining more & more publicity which can only be a good thing. The walk itself was a tourists dream, from Battersea Park to Tower Bridge (photo of the 'girls' at half way point) and back, mostly alongside the Thames, passing so many of the main sights of London. We just hope that our participation but more importantly your donations help sufferers open up more and seek help and those of us fortunate not to suffer in the same way, to be equally as caring and sensitive as every sufferer we know. Thank you to everyone who supported us, not just by donating but by spreading the 'word' and supporting us morally. You are all lovely xxxx