Our Friendship <3

Created by Laura 8 years ago
To one of my dear best friends Jacqueline and the Boulton family,

I will never forget the friendship we shared in our teenage years;

My most fond memory is the Shania Twain video we made at mine "man I feel like a woman!" pretending we were pop-stars singing into our hair brushes and bouncing on the beds making our own music video throughout the house. I am yet to find this VHS to bring some laughter to my shocked sadness at this sad news of your battles with mental health. I can remember our favourite bands were the Backstreet Boys, N'Sync O'Town, and Ricky Martin!

I remember the sleepovers we shared at each others, staying up til late and making indoor tents, midnights snacks and drinking soda streams together in the store cupboard, which we thought were the best things invented! This was after many a time our families got together for a meal and became our own little unit.

I will always have the memories of playing on the field at the bottom of the road together, the bonfire & Halloween nights we had at the bottom of your garden and the times we played badminton and learned karate together - I'm looking at the photo's now and we were so proud!

It turns out that we both took a profound interest in fashion & more in later years, and can only smile at the thought that we shared common interests after our paths after middle/high school took different routes, nether the less your friendship and family connections will always stay in my heart.

I am so very proud at the work you managed to achieve and the standard you set. I will always support mental health & can relate to an issue that is so close to home.

A coincidence or not, but I have been finding little white feathers in the strangest of places which is comforting.

Rest in peace Jacqueline - A friend I will never forget xxx